#100DaysOfMe: Day 2

#100DaysOfMe: Day 2

Things that did not go as planned

9:59 pm

I had planned to work on Django and dart quite extensively today. But rather I spent a very little amount of time from the whole day for Django. And other than that I just watched youtube and kept the day simple.

I don't feel guilty though

I don't feel soo bad that I did not follow the plan. I think the reason behind it might be something familiar.

I did not mess up the whole day entirely

I did work out in the morning. I followed the food intake process as much as possible. Brought the items that I will need in coming 2 days. So I am well prepared in that part. For the Django part, I have completed the second practical part of it. The actual hard part of it. Now I just need to sit down and focus on writing the article based on the different parts of the process.

Tomorrow, I will mostly be focussing on the writing process of the article. I start structuring out the article in stackedit from the morning. Slowly structuring out will help me get to the real process easily, without any excuse.

Right now I will just lightly set up my calendar with the works that I want to focus on and then I will just rest.

It was a good day. It's just I need to make sure that tomorrow turns out to be even a better day.