I Will Be Playing More Games

I Will Be Playing More Games

Things that I feel good about

I was going through that same kind of preparation for daily routines where I will be working for hours and hours without any break and mostly without any games. But I soon realized that my life has some demands by default. I need to full fill those demands to keep up the balance. I realized that as a human I need to have these following things done, every day to stay alive(in a good way).

  1. I need to play games.
  2. I need to watch films or series under proper moderation.
  3. I need to sleep well for good overall energy.
  4. I need to focus on work-life.
  5. I need to look out for my personal life goals. I will just have to do all these things in a proper way.

Things that I feel needs attention/correction

I need to have a break day. I need to feel lured by that break day so that I can work with intense focus for the rest of the weeks. I need a proper plan for this.

How can I improve tomorrow?

I will not be working Django tonight. I will just have my dinner and play games. I have some films downloaded. I will watch them and I will sleep. Simple.

Something that I learnt today

I need rest. I need good regular, pure resting periods when I won't be playing games or watching random YouTube videos. I will just take rest. Without the resting time frame, I won't be able to continue for long enough and eventually, I will feel de-motivated.